Montag 2. Dezember 2024
KW 49

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American Secondary College Class Of 2020 Celebrated With Parade and dance

Tips Logo Leserartikel Jasson clarke, 02.07.2020 19:24

MANHASSET, NY — Manhasset Secondary School's Class of 2020 was celebrated with a community parade and video tribute to honor the senior class' graduation amid the coronavirus pandemic.
The seniors were invited to drive onto Manhasset Secondary School's campus Friday evening as family and friends „camped out“ in the parking lot and along the streets leading into and out of the campus to cheer them on. In their cars, members of the Class of 2020 stopped by the main school entrance, where they were greeted by Principle Dr. Dean Schlanger. Faculty and support staff, administrators and members of the board of education continued to cheer them. Seniors were also provided with a special photo opportunity as a memento of the celebration and one of their final moments on campus.Later in the evening, members of the Class of 2020 watched a video tribute displayed on a big screen in the nearby lot across from the Manhasset Long Island Rail Road station. As they sat alongside, on top of and inside their cars, graduating seniors had a moment to reflect on their years throughout the district while watching scenes dating back to their elementary school years.

MANHASSET, NY — Manhasset Secondary School's Class of 2020 was celebrated with a community parade and video tribute to honor the senior class' graduation amid the coronavirus pandemic.

The seniors were invited to drive onto Manhasset Secondary School's campus Friday evening as family and friends „camped out“ in the parking lot and along the streets leading into and out of the campus to cheer them on. In their cars, members of the Class of 2020 stopped by the main school entrance, where they were greeted by Principle Dr. Dean Schlanger. Faculty and support staff, administrators and members of the board of education continued to cheer them. Seniors were also provided with a special photo opportunity as a memento of the celebration and one of their final moments on campus.Later in the evening, members of the Class of 2020 watched a video tribute displayed on a big screen in the nearby lot across from the Manhasset Long Island Rail Road station. As they sat alongside, on top of and inside their cars, graduating seniors had a moment to reflect on their years throughout the district while watching scenes dating back to their elementary school years.

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